
Just Write Something Already, Part 2

Updating begins anew! The week has been...curious. I've been feeling jittery from writing withdrawal lately, though, so expect more material on a regular basis. Anyway I decided to give the Bible a rest today and do something even more metaphysical than God.

Listen. Where did I go?

You borrowed me, wasted me, spent me, and killed me. Without so much as a thought. The ticking of the clock sounded in your ears and you paid it no mind as you rushed me to the grave. Where did I go?

I am a second. I have joined the other seconds that you tossed away like a grain of sand. We accumulate beyond the foggy reaches of Time. I knew this, but now I understand.

I was a second when you were staring at a screen. The screen had Keanu Reeves on it. You stared and I slipped through your fingers, down through the cracks. I didn't know where to go. Everyone said I'd know what to do when it happened. I didn't. I was lost in the darkness of un-time, and there was nobody to guide me.

And then...light.

I slept, for want of a better word. I rested and awoke in a dune of time, surrounded by my fellows from around the universe. Many of them were from you.

We languish here on a beach. There is no purpose to which we are put, no purpose to which we were ever put. The tide of purpose flows in, and flows out, and things remain the same. Peace. It is dull here. I wanted something to do, once, but I've forgotten what. I've settled in. I'm not going anywhere.

I want to go somewhere. I have a mind, but no body. I am an aberration in Creation. I am trapped here, in a realm of peace where no peace will visit me. My comrades are thoughtless. I am not.

I have but one thought, and will ever have one thought. Why have you done this to me? Why was I wasted? Out of all your grains of sand, why have you done this to me, your most valuable second? I have been resigned to Hell. You sent me here. I hate you.

You will never have another moment like me. I am the only one of my kind here. I know things. You will never get a second chance. Do you know what you could've been? I do.

I cannot see you, but I know you hear me. I know you can hear my spite. And I know you can hear my laughter.

Listen. Where did I go?


Sam's comments:
This started off as something very different. I intended to do something slightly less personal, with only a hint of a storyline, like with Distance. But here we are. I'd be lying if I said this didn't ring true to me. I hope it means something to you too.

listening to: The All-American Rejects, "When The World Comes Down"
reading: "Public Enemies" by Brian Burrough

1 comment:

  1. Sam, this is brilliant.
    I love the imagery.
    Love, Kayla
